
Friday, January 18, 2013

Chapter 1.19

Chapter 1.19- Nothing More Dashing

                Finally, the wedding day had arrived. The entire family set off for the venue several hours ahead of schedule getting there early in order to make sure everything was up to Helen’s usual high standards of hygiene.
Setting the twins off to explore the grassy areas of the park, Helen and Buck prepare the pavilion. Galen isn’t so sure he even wants to be there. Layla’s first order of business is to get stuck between the chairs. 

                Shortly before guests are scheduled to begin arriving Helen stands under the arch. Until Buck, she’d figured she’d probably end up married and divorced several times throughout her life. Now, she only hopes this is it for her.  Glancing through the slats on the archway in vain, Helen can simply hope a shooting star is out there somewhere she can’t see.
                ‘Let this work,’ she thinks fervently. ‘Please, please, let this work.’
                Sighing, she looks back at the few people arriving.  When she sees Zazzy, Helen panics momentarily.
                ‘And please, please, PLEASE don’t strike me dead for wearing white!’ She thinks, again looking up at the sky.

                Buck joins her after seeing her standing alone. He only hopes the very few people they invited can find seats without him, but he doesn’t want her standing up there all by herself. He takes it for granted that she is as calm and excited as he is.
                Zazzy’s all black wedding get up almost makes Helen laugh aloud. At the same time, she knows exactly what Zazz thinks about her wearing white as a bride. 

                Much of their careful planning seems to be useless when Layla discovers there isn’t room under the arch for her along with Mama and Daddy. Though no one says anything aloud, it’s obvious that the majority of the guests dislike Layla’s jarring wail. (Ignore Todd Orange over there, he’s the oddball.)

                Doing their very best to ignore their daughter in distress, they begin their ceremony.

                Buck promises to himself that he is never going to allow Helen to regret the moment she became Mrs. Sixkiller. No matter how loudly Layla wails…

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Beaming at her new husband, Helen can hardly believe the day is finally over.
                “So,” Helen asks. “So, what was your favorite part of the day?”
                “When you finally picked up Layla and got her hushed!” The laughter in Buck’s voice makes Helen roll her eyes at him.
                “Seriously,” Helen tries to get him back on track. “What was your favorite part?”
                “Being able to call you Mrs. Sixkiller,” Steve told her. “Been trippin’ on Blue for far too long now. And now I can hardly wait to take Mrs. Sixkiller off to bed. I’m sure she’s awful tired.”

                Momentarily overcome, Helen ducked her head.



                “Mrs. Sixkiller?”

                “Would you mind ever so much Mrs. Sixkiller if I whispered something in your ear? It’s a little personal, and I’m not sure I would like anyone else to hear it.” Buck’s overly formal request makes Helen giggle.

                Once he is turned to where Helen can’t see him, Buck gives into his fears.

                What if he doesn’t last long enough?
                What if he isn’t firm enough?

                What if he doesn’t get it right?

                What are you looking at me for?

                Though there is nothing more dashing than a man in a tux off to celebrate his wedding night. And you better believe that Buck knows it.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

The wedding took me three tries to get right. I shot all of this between patch 1.42 and 1.47 and the “Exchange Vows” interaction was broken. The shot of Helen under the arch looking up at it? Was a result of this. The moment they’d kiss, he’d reset back to the house. They were married, but the just married moodlet would be gone, her name wouldn't have changed, and he’d be nowhere near. I finally just let it reset him, paused, changed his clothes with MC, teleported him to the lot with the wedding party, gave them both the just married moodlet, deleted the “Missed the Wedding” moodlet he had, and "Stood Up" moodlet she had. But because the moodlets had fired anyway half the guests would leave while randoms would show up. The party score was abysmal, though. Oh well. Sorry this chapter sux cause of it. But I'm still mad.


  1. I'm. Literally. Crying.

    Not even because of 'oh my god they got married' (which is what my mum does whenever she sees a wedding on tv, I dread to think what she'd be like if me or my sisters ever get married!)
    Because of Buck and his hilarious insecurities. So random and I'm lucky my boyfriend had just gone out when I started reading this, because I don't think he would get it.

    Sucks about the whole wedding interation being broken! I didn't ever use the arch during that time, so I don't know if mine broke too.

    Bad Layla! Stealing the attention from her parents! She's obviously a diva and needs all eyes on her :)

    1. I have no idea what she was wailing about. It hacked me off so bad, lol. I'd taken SUCH care to make sure that the toddlers motives were all high before it all started so that no one would get the WAILING BABY thought bubble. But that was the best take of the wedding. In the other two the guests wouldn't sit down so I could get clear shots. Oh well. Moving on... lol
      Poor Buck. His cowardly idles are fantastic to play with.

  2. I'm so sorry about your crazy wedding glitches!
    I ended up throwing two different wedding parties for Shadow and Iola, neither of which actually got saved. In the end, I used the pcs I did get then had them have a private wedding in their bedroom once I git my issues worked out.
    Anyway, so happy for Buck and Helen! =D
    And poor Buck's insecurities! I'm sure you'll do fine, buddy!

    1. At least they are over now. I'm kinda wishing I had done what you did. Just throw the party bit out all together and do the private wedding as I had wanted to do all along. Oh well.
      He's got a LOT of insecurities. This week should afford me a little more time, and I've got Bloopers I'd like to get posted. One of them is my favorite, (though the quality is terrible) demonstrating just how bad his insecurites really are. It.Was.Epic.

  3. Mrs. Sixkiller does have a nice ring to it :) And Helen looked very pretty in her hairdo and wedding gown.

    I didn't realize there was a glitch with the wedding arch. Was it with patch 1.42 or 1.47? I did a wedding scene while on 1.42 (which will be posted in the next couple of hours)(and no, it isn't Shane and Lilith, lol) without any problems. I just updated to 1.47 last night....I hope nothing's broke!

    1. The glitch was only if you had patched to 1.42 and didn't have season installed. I hadn't installed it at that point, and actually I hadn't been intending to get it at all until March. But the frustration of the fact that all weddings, even private, were broken almost had me in tears. And you couldn't use the telescope to search the galaxy, and several other things. So I got it early. However, the glitch didn't go away for me until 1.47. 1.47 fixed a LOT of things for my game.
      I bet you're referring to Wand-Wielding Daniel and Daniela. ;) He totally better still be fiddling with his wand after the wedding though. I'll miss looking for it each time if he doesn't. lol

  4. I'm sorry to hear about all of your glitches. If it makes you feel any better, the wedding turned out really funny! You can never trust those Sims to behave....

    1. Oh, my goodness! She squalled through the entire thing! lol. Oh well. And thank goodness the glitches are over! One of the million patches that have recently been released fixed it. Yay!

  5. "Best laid plans..." And all that. Ugh! I hate it when stuff doesn't work! Why can't it just WORK LIKE IT'S SUPPOSED TO! Darn updates. And after all that work to make sure the twins could take care of themselves, one starts crying. LMAO. All that work for a crap wedding party.
    LOL on the bit where Buck is thinking the stuff from the woohooer mod. :P

    1. All that work for a crap party! lol. Oh well. Nothing ever goes right if you're not posing them so that they *cannot* do anything on their own. =D Posing. It's the best, yo. Ha!

      Hey, it's prewritten waiting to be used. lol.
