
Monday, January 7, 2013

Chapter 1.8

Chapter 1.8- Nothing Holy

'It couldn’t be…'

'I can’t believe it…'
      'This isn't real…  It can't be...' 
'Our union meant so much more…'

'And what a man he is…'


'Such a fool… Nothing ‘holy’ about either of those two.'
'Do you, Lily Pad, want to take a fall off a really tall cliff?'
'I promise it’ll be quick…
Though I’d really rather rip your heart out. I really don’t care how you die, just die. Now. Please?'

'A death certificate? Please present to us a death certificate. That’d be great.'
'Douche Bag. Mister and Missus Douche Bag.' *snort

'Pink, douche bag, whatever. Same thing.'

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Warning, upcoming rant...
  Ok, my two cents? Helen slept with a guy she crushed on from afar when she was a teenager after seeing him twice where he did nothing but talk about himself. She made plans in her head without a lick of reason in them. She got her crush taken care of, and got her heart crushed. If she’d think before she acted she wouldn’t have half the heart ache she does. She causes a lot of her own problems and needs to grow up a bit a LOT. She just makes my head hurt sometimes. And yes, I know that I am the author and Goddess of this Legacy, but I really do try and grant [most of] the wishes they roll whether I agree or not. She WANTED to woohoo with Trenton. She also wanted to woohoo with Drew Lao when she saw him at the library that ONE time. ONE time and she’s ready to have some fun. Thank God for Twallan's Woohooer because she is all about casual woohoo. It’s like a handshake for her. “Nice to meet you, mind if I…” I still love her though and I’ll be super sad whenever I lose her.
*end rant.
*nevermind... remember... rambler...
And I'd LOVE to get ahold of Lemon Leafs tears, but I gave up nearing tears of my own after 2 hours of trying to download them with no success. (I know why Lemon Leaf is so protective of their stuff... but I swear I'm not going to pirate them! I only want to make my simmies cry pretty tears!) These were the only other ones I could find, and they're a bit flat looking... and... white... Of course, I could have zoomed out and made them look better, but but but... *MAGICIAN HANDS! Use your Imaaaaaginaaaations! She's cryyyyyying! And you can hear her THOUGHTS with weird echo-y reverb!
*Ok, now I'm done... Seriously.

Once again... Stay Tuned! Things go from wild to wooly next chapter!


  1. Oh my God. This was brilliant, love how you made it different from all the other chapters by doing this. Loved it.

    I agree with your rant, it is her own fault, but should he have really slept with her if he was engaged?

    At the reception, she should totally shove her stomach in the happy couples faces.

    But I guess this is 'Steve's chance. Now he can jump in and say 'I love you!' :)

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. It took me two different sittings to get all of that right. I kept losing the light hitting her eyes. lol
      In game, SP has Trenton as a rather disliked rogue amongst the townies. He's been married several times and has three kids by three different women. So it really fits with who he actually seems to be. He also has the Evil trait, so who am I to say what is evil and what isn't? ha!
      Aaaand, the reception is next chapter. You'll just have to see what happens. ;)

  2. Fantastic chapter! Trenton is scum and I hope Helen comes to realise how much better a man Steve is

    1. Thanks! Hey, at least she's realized that Trenton is scum. It's a start, right?

  3. Very nice depiction of her reaction to the wedding.

    What's up with Lemon Leaf's site? I got my skins from there and had someone ask where I got them recently. The site's been down for days though.

    ~Margaret Pendragon

    1. Thank you!
      One website I went searching through suggested that the downloads have possibly been moved to a more secure location as TSR has been pirating stuff a lot lately. I can only guess that is the reason and not simply that I am a complete idiot when it comes to downloading. At least I hope it's that. lol

  4. I agree with your rant, Helen knew nothing about Trenton before she got inn bed with him, and so only has herself to blame for her heartbreak.
    Steve! Are you listening? Step the hell in NOW! Don't let her keep you in the friend (or slave?) box forever!

    1. Hmmm... I hadn't thought along the 'slave' lines between those two... until now. ;D
      That would have been fun! Maybe later.

  5. the nose leak looks very realistic though :)

    1. True dat! To be incredibly honest, the tears were intended for sims with a much paler complexion than any of my sims have. But snot is snot and she's snottin' quite a bit! Thanks for reading and commenting! :)

    2. No Problem! I love that 'Steve' is finally stepping up :)

  6. Oh Helen. You make me want to headdesk. You silly silly woman.

    1. lol. She makes me facepalm a LOT. A chapter still in draft right now makes me want to gag her.

  7. Aw! Beautifully done! Poor Helen jumped straight into a load of trouble by jumping into bed without knowing the guy. Reminds me of her conversation a few posts back with Zazzy about when they compared notes! Hopefully she'll pull herself together!

  8. Aw! Thank you. Helen doesn't look before she leaps most of the time. It's a failing that gets her in trouble more times than not.

  9. Oh boy. My hunch was right.
    Well, now, Elena, whatchya gonna do now?

    1. Sometimes, correct hunches suck. lol. Ah, even she doesn't know the answer to that.
