
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Sixkiller Interlude

Hi! I know it's been a few days since Layla left home to go on a journey that will eventually lead to a new life for her, and she's been rather busy and is having a great time visiting islands.

Take a peek here: SimsL3gacies- A Sixkiller Interlude to see just what she's been up to. If you like that, you may also enjoy the rest of the Meadowstones story in the Ouroboros Legacy here: SimsL3gacies Chapter 1.0-Lilith Meadows, Generation 1 Founder

Also, Hi to all the new readers! I truly hope you are enjoying the story. If you have any questions about what is going on, feel free to drop me a line. I love comments and to know if you like something, or don't. ;)

For all the old hands, I'm going to be retiring the current round of bloopers on Friday along with the blog look. So if you want to take a peek at the funnies the Sixkillers get up to in their spare time be sure to take a look soon!

If anyone would like this particular blog look let me know and I'll gladly post the background somewhere along with instructions on the color scheme. And don't worry, I hope to be able to use it again at a later time and have everything saved safe and secure to bring it out when the time is right for it again. But for Layla's generation, I think the look may need to be a little more... Mmmm... fiery. ;) See you all on Friday for the start of Generation 2 of the Sixkillers!


  1. Oh, that sounds like a nice new legacy to read. I've not heard of that one ;)
    Fiery, 'eh? Hmm.... :p

    1. Is that your hubby? -->
      You don't know what I'm on about, do you? lol

    2. Yes, it is. And those are our rugrats about 3 and a half years ago. Nathan and Emma. Though, 'Emma' doesn't fit her at all and so we usually call her Lou, or LouLou. She was named after my great grandmother, the sweetest gentlest most accomplished and strongest woman I've ever known. Lou is NOTHING like her. At.All. We totally should have named her Layla. Lol. Though Nathan isn't his first name either, it's his middle name shortened. He's named after Daddy and having two G's in the house would have been confusing. So we call neither of our kids by their first names. Hence why a Lot of my characters inevitably get nicknames. Ha!

    3. And, yes! Tomorrow. Possibly very early in the morning or very late tonight. Depends on how much I get done. I've got a lot of work getting stuff shuffled, moved, revised, and working correctly. I is so excited! Fiery indeed!
