
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sim Download- Cyrus Pink-Imaga

So! I love me some Cyrus but I've gotta warn you- he makes a very awkward and gawky looking teen.

Anyhow- Except for his skin (which can be found here) his everything is from the game. Only his suit is from an SP, High End Loft Stuff I believe.

His traits are as follows: Brave, Charismatic, Loves the Outdoors, Party Animal, and Absent-Minded

Olivia will be up for download later.

He's a .sim so you just drop him in your saved sims folder and Boom! You'll then find him in your sim bin. Easy enough right? So what are you waiting for? Go grab him!


  1. LOL he was an awkward looking teen, wasn't he? You could never tell it by looking at him now!

    1. Nope! I felt kind of bad pairing him with Olivia actually. She's so pretty and he was so lanky. But none of that matters anymore. I've got a cutsie little pic of the two of them playing nice together I'll get on here once I get it cutout.

  2. Oooftt....
    I'm thinking of stealing every sim I can find, and populating an entire world in gen 6...

    1. He's lovely as an adult isn't he? <3 my Cyrus. That would be interesting! Seeing how all the legacies mingle in one world.
