
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Downloads- Poses- Resignation and Reunion

This Pose Pack was created for Speechless. In particular, I needed her to be super sad and him to be all sweet. It was also my first attempt at any kind of a kiss pose. So their noses clip into each others cheeks, just so you know. After that I'm pretty durn impressed with these kisses and certainly hope there are story tellers out there who could find a use for some of these.

This download includes 30 Poses, including pose images with pose codes on the images. This pose pack is NOT currently poselist compatible. When I get more time I'll make it that way, but for now please don't ask.

Thank you So much! And I hope your imagination finds ways to use these poses in your own story. If you do use my poses and your story is somewhere online I'd love to see them! Leave me a link in the comments below and I'll even leave a comment back! 


  1. You and your ability to make kiss poses... I actually might use a few of these next chapter! :p

    1. Ha! Ability Schmability. lol. Your kiss pose is pretty good too! Yay! I'm glad you'll have a use for them! Can't wait to see it!
