
Sunday, October 13, 2013

I swear I'm not dead. And neither are the Sixkillers.

Really. Honestly. I'm here and should have an update this week sometime. The last two weeks were absolutely insane in Real Life and as it directly related to someone near and dear I just had to go all out. ;) So now my baby is 5 with the Princess Party behind us I'm finally able to redirect my focus on the Sixkillers for a little bit. I've still got quite a bit up my sleeve, and some new goodies to offer when the time is right. Thanks so much for sticking around and waiting patiently!

If you're just desperate for a bit of my writing (Ha!) Check out my Wishacy where I have lots of fun making fun of the stupid things sims do: Nott So Fast!


  1. Oh wow. Those pics are bluuuuurrrr-ry!
    Aw, though.

    Everyone, I'd like you to know, that 'Sunny' is lying. 'She' is really a 70 year old man who hides behind the youthful mother persona to become accepted into the sims community. The reason 'she' has been gone, is because 'she' was in hospital. Luckily, 'she' is ok now, and free to go on pretending.

    To any internet police out there, I was joking.

    Ok. I guess that's enough random words from me. Hurry up! And byeeee!

    1. Very very blurry. And while I like the bright coloring to help draw your attention from the fact that it's a blurry mess, it's almost too much. Ha!

      Oh rats! No one was supposed to know that! *shhhhhhh!!!!! Here! Have some candy pretty little girl! Have some of this nice unwrapped candy that I swear is totally safe. :Heyhey:

    2. Oooooh! Candy!!! *eats*

      *passes out*

  2. Gemma! not nice spilling secrets like that!

    Yep, those pics are always blurry. Sucks.

    1. Yeah! lol. Not nice. My secrets... My precious secrets.... *shifty eyes. ;)

      It does indeed. Maybe someone has the backdrops extracted somewhere to use with your own poses. Hmmm...

  3. Oh goodie! I was irritated at my iPad that it wouldn't do the copy/paste thing right for me to get to the wishacy since you'd posted a link in an earlier chapter. Now, I have it on a tab. :)

    1. Lol! Lottie is a lot of fun, and it's super short. 20 chapters short before the save blew to smithereens. I'd completely forgotten iPad copy/pasta is a PITA. I'm so sorry!
