
Monday, December 2, 2013

Downloads- Poses- 99 Bottles

This is my 99 Bottles Pose Pack. Just another one to use the nectar bottle and solo cup accessory. Also, to give a slightly different idea of using these as décor also. And yes. There are 99 nectar bottles in that shot.

The following are the pose images included in both downloads:

 You will have to use Alt to push the sim up against the wall, or door, or couch, or whatever. There are two versions of this download. One that is Poselist Enabled, and one that is not. CHOOSE ONLY ONE.



Thank you! Hopefully your imagination will find new ways to use these poses. If you do use these poses in your story I'd love to know about it! Leave a link in the comments and I'll even comment back!


  1. What the heck did Layla do to that room! Clothes. A pumpkin. A *safety* cone? Nevermind, I don't want to know!

    Glad to see you were finally able to these lovelies into the wild. I'll go update my last chapter with links to these, as I sneaked in the deco solo cup and nectar bottles.

  2. Lol. I was just grabbing anything that came to hand and throwing it in there to make it look even more depressing. I like to think of it as what her life would look like if she were still actively hoarding.

    Yup! It was time. I saw them! YAY! Thanks for the linkbacks on them too!
