
Friday, February 14, 2014

Downloads-Poses- Sunny's (And Gemma's!) Comfort (and Kisses!) Poses

Happy Valentine's Day you beautiful people you! To show you just how much I love you all I have poses for you!

I'd originally made these to help out a friend who was a little stuck in their own posemaking, but I like them! So with their permission I'm offering them. Then, Gemma took these poses just a hair further and made a complimentary pair to kind of finish out the set and with her permission I'm offering those as well.

Without further ado, here are the images:

As usual, the above images are included in both archives and you have two choices: Pose list enabled or not. Choose Only One!

Sunny's Comfort Poses- Poselist Enabled
Sunny's Comfort Poses- Not Poselisted.

A standard TOU applies- Do NOT upload anywhere else, link back to here please. Don't claim as your own.

THANK YOU my wonderful readers and downloaders! You're all so awesome, and thank you for coming to take a look here. And if you like it, leave a comment! If you use it, leave a link! I'd love to see my poses in use in your game.

And a huge thanks to Gemma for making the last set to go with these, and for permission to distribute them! They're so awesome, and so are you! Also- If anyone would like Kisses 1-3, along with 5-8 you can go and snag them Here! They're so sweet and it even includes kiddie kisses, which are the sweetest. Go get 'em!


  1. Have added the link in the apropriate place in my release post :)

    Iggy's all like "OMNOM! HURRR!" lol

    But they're super-cute, none the less. :) Thank you for helping me out xxx

    1. Anytime love! And I've got a link back to yours up thar too! You're kisses are so super cute!

      Lol! Yeah, Iggy totally would like to do that wouldn't he? =D

  2. I so love 2! Happy Venereal day!

    1. Happy Venereal Day! *throws heart confetti. lol
      Thanks love!
