
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Downloads- Poses- Surprise, Darling!

These are modified versions of the poses from the last chapter. I ditched the bowl and spoon in favor of a sweet surprise.

There are 9 11 total poses. One pose for a single sim and 4 5 sets of poses for a couple. (ETA: One of these days, I'll take a leaf out of my newly minted Kindergarteners book and learn how to count! *facepalm. Sorry for the mistake folks.)
kissy1 and 1a are awfully similar, but the difference is certainly there. These poses were made for Mariah and Roger and their respective build types and the Meshed clothing they are wearing. These poses may have clipping or floating hands when you use them on your sims. They snap together and require the latest version of CMo's Pose Player (updated August 2013.)

As usual there are two versions. One that is poselisted for those that use the poselist, and one that is not for those who prefer the Pose by Name function. Both include the above images with Pose Codes. CHOOSE ONLY ONE.

Surprise, Darling! Not Poselisted

Surprise, Darling! Poselisted

Huge Thanks! to all my readers for waiting out a very long, very busy summer. You're all so awesome! Also, Much Thanks to Misty for testing a few of these when the clipping issues threatened to make me need my inhaler. You're the best! Thank you to Gemma for making me laugh while illness made life kinda yucky. Love you! 

TOU- Do NOT reupload anywhere else or claim as your own. Do NOT link to these poses through AdFly or any other site you profit off of. 

Did you use it on your site? In your story? Leave a link and I'll leave a comment back on your site! Did you modify it so your simmies looked super awesome in them? I wanna see! Leave a link and I'll leave some love!

You're all beautiful! I love you!