
Friday, October 23, 2015

Downloads-Poses-Story Tellers Pose Dump

Because random is random.

These poses don't really go together and they don't fit anywhere else, but here they are all in one pose pack!

There are 4 stand alone poses. I know there are 8 million 'cross your arms and stand' poses out there, but that's mine now. The expression is totally neutral, so there's that.

There are these 2 couples poses. The male rig has been height adjusted so you might want to kick your height slider to the curb if you use them.

Finally, there's this sweet little couples pose inspired by a pic of real live people (zomg!) and that I used as a base for the newest comfort poses. Stick an ' a ' at the end of the pose code and the poses are centered at floor height for your OMSP usage pleasure.

As per usual there are two versions, poselisted and NOT poselisted. Only put one in your game if you only want one in your game. The above images are included in each archive.


Sunny's Story Teller PosePack- Poselisted

Sunny's Story Teller PosePack- NOT Poselisted

If you've used my poses in your game and you've posted pics somewhere, I'd love to see! Leave a link in the comments or tag me on Tumblr (sunnyssims) and I'll leave some love back!


  1. They are all amazing as always and I can see myself abusing the hell out of all of them! Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you! Can't wait to see them in story! Or rather, LOVED seeing them in your story! =D

  2. Pretty, pretty, pretty <3

    And you can never have enough folded arm poses :D

    1. Thank you!

      Lol. I almost didn't release that one because there are so many out there.

  3. Pretty, pretty, pretty <3

    And you can never have enough folded arm poses :D

  4. Love them! Thank you Sunny! =)
