

And Other Downloads
Click the links below the pictures

  • Do NOT reupload ANYTHING on this site ANYWHERE for ANY REASON. EVER. PERIOD. 
  • DO NOT direct link to my uploads. Please link to the posts or to this page. 
  • DO NOT include my downloads in your upload. 
  • DO NOT take credit for my work. 
  • DO NOT tweak my work and reupload it. This includes recolors of any kind.
  • You MAY convert my stuffs for Sims 2 or Sims 4 WITH permission, credit, and a linkback. Look. I'm nice. Ask nicely and 10:1 I'll say okay.
  • You MAY tweak my work for your own personal use. 
  • PLEASE enjoy and tell me you enjoyed it. =D Also- if you make something using one of my accessories, leave a link in the comments so others can find and enjoy your work as well. It also makes me happy.

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon


  1. The link to the letters aren't working :}

  2. There are two of your poses that the link doesn't work for. Family portrait and Wonder pose pack. Just thought I would let you know =D

    1. Oh no! Thank you so so much for alerting me! =D They should be fixed now. *kicks blogger for messing with the links. lol

  3. on your series Chapter 3.14- Painful Reflections where did u get the balloons...

    1. I made them. =D Uhm... They are incredibly high poly. (2-4k depending on the arrangement,) though, and unless you've got a fantastic graphics card, they won't show properly and will seriously lag your game. However, I am working on remaking them. Currently, the new poly count will be 1/4-1/2 of the original poly count (500-1000) per arrangement. I'd also like to smooth the mapping while I'm at it. Unfortunately, these are on the backburner since I'd like to get another chapter out first and they're not the Christmas gifts this year.

      If you are really needing them for an upcoming project, shoot me an ask/inbox me on tumblr @sunnyssims or OR! I'm on MTS as ShakespearesSunshyne and I'd be happy to share so long as you know they're super high poly with the potential of frying your graphics card and you won't blame me. =)

  4. I found your blog just today, and am so happy!
    I have been looking for a drinking fountain for so long now -- thank you so much for creating and sharing it with us!
    And those poses sets are so amazing -- I haven't seen but a few of them, and am amazed.
    Thank you so much, again.

    1. Oh yay! I knew that muse who suggested those knew what she was doing. I'm so glad you'll find a use for them.

      And thank YOU! Enjoy!
